Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Made My Mind Up

After a long think, and a few episodes of Only Fools & Horses later, I've decided on starting my African ImagiNation. This will be in 15mm using Peter Pig's excellent AK47 range, as well as QRF and possibly Battlefront (for vehicles, mostly).

The setting will be in a fictional West African country going through a bitter civil war between government forces and an extremist group who wish to liberate the people of Natonga. There will also be Western intervention in the form of the British. Think Sierra Leone. This'll be the first time I've started a project with a narrative so I'm hoping this goes well. I'll probably start the government forces first, then the British, and finally the Terrorists/Freedom Fighters/Liberaters, and unaligned militia.

I don't know when this project will officially start but I'm hoping its soon.

Cheers for reading.

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